About me

Hello, this is Tomasz Nieżurawski

Dzień dobry!
- polish version of “Good morning!”

I see you’ve just read your first words in polish. I’m very proud of you 👏

When it comes to me. I am a front-end developer that occasionally works also on a backend side, with databases, making some interesting marketing stuff, do some analysis and learn about UI/UX. But to be clear - I am a Front-end Engineer and that’s my thing.

There is a lot of entrepreneur spirit inside of me so I always work on some pet project 😉. This gives me an unique opportunity for testing different technologies and be on the different seats in the team. That’s awesome. You can really understand other people needs by doing that and become a better team member.

🌟 You can check my personal Github profile or my own company’s profile.
🌟 If you would like to hire me, please use LinkedIn and win extra points by saying that you came from this page 😺.
🌟 I’m also on Twitter where I tweet about stuff that I found interesting in Front-end world. This is also a good way to get notified about a new post on this blog.

Stay strong! 💪